Fitness and Personal Training Department Beginner at Home
Sports is a key factor in achieving fitness, good health and a more attractive and psychological appearance. For many years, the sport slogan has been shown to everyone to express the right and duty of every individual, regardless of the nature of his work or his economic circumstances to exercise and benefit from it. The sport is not only a group of movements that the person to move the muscles and the construction of a strong body,
but is a method of preparation and behavioral education and a way to resist psychological stress and is an effective way to protect against various diseases and thus contribute to reduce the cost of treatment after that and Therefore, all countries are making many For the efforts to spread and spread the culture of sport as part of the lifestyle of its citizens and spread in European countries many aspects of commitment to that culture in practice and with the importance of sports as a key way to achieve the level of fitness and psychological required for the individual coincides with the interest in sports training is also a key factor in Achieving an integrated, risk-free sports system.
Many studies have shown that taking off some of the sports they liked most was the result of the poor experience that accompanied the exercise. Including fatigue or muscle pain or even fractures and other forms of misguided and unconscious exercise of sports and sports movements resulting from the individual trying to mimic those who do these movements without realizing the importance of the long-term training required before reaching the leadership stage of those sports movements.
Some may fear sports as a result of fear of ridicule of others or may be reluctant to practice sports as a punitive method in the educational body where they were taught. They have bad experiences about sport because it is a punitive means and some may think that there is no place Sports, lack of time or even lack of financial resources to participate in famous sports clubs and other excuses. Sports training is distinguished by being suitable for everyone. It is not necessary for all athletes to be equal in abilities.
From the coach to everyone in his group so that he can provide the required assistance according to the level of each individual so that he can catch up with the time with the members of his group without feeling frustrated resulting in escape from exercise as the professional coach knows the concept of training burden and means the amount of training that Each trainee athlete to achieve a decent level of health and sport according to the capabilities of this trainee without increasing the load of training it does not tolerate or that makes him vulnerable to multiple health problems or even exposure to pain that makes him choose another sport or abandon the exercise fully and demonstrates the relationship between Sports and successful sports training.
Fitness and Sports Training Section
Reviewed by Majid
June 15, 2019

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