What should I do at the gym to lose belly fat?
For women and men. Fat Burning Workout Program For Men.
Which weight loss program is best suited for fat burning? What are the most effective exercises for weight loss exercise due to fat mass? Answers to these questions and other important questions about exercises that burn fat can be found in this article. If questions remain, you can always ask them in the comments below and get a qualified answer.
1 How much should be included in the force training program?
2 How much does the heart need to do to lose weight?
3 How much fat can you burn by following this program?
weight loss workout plan for beginners
Everyone wants to have a beautiful body, but not everyone achieves this goal. This is usually not due to a lack of effort. Instead, most people simply do not know how to plan a range of weight loss exercises to burn maximum fat.
A well-designed fat-burning exercise program includes many ingredients. Many aspects determine how successful they are. Before starting any exercise, pay attention to your diet.
The diet you exercise during training is a significant factor in fat loss. All efforts will be worthless if you take excess calories (especially from inappropriate sources such as sugar).
Use the following calculator to determine daily calories and micronutrients:
In addition to a calorie deficit, the fat-burning system must meet the following requirements:
High protein (2-4 grams per kg body weight);
A small or medium amount of carbohydrates (short in rest days, moderate in training days);
The high proportion of essential fatty acids (NLC);
The least possible amount of sugar;
No carbohydrates after 18:00.
Adhering to this diet, you are forcing your body to burn fat, not muscle mass. By changing the level of carbohydrate, you give them the amount of body required in the days of training and reduce them on rest days.
A large amount of protein helps maintain the body in the anabolic state and prevent its transition to catabolic. NLC is necessary because of the fact that you will eat fewer carbohydrates than usual. It will give you energy and allow the metabolism to flow optimally. The last thing you need in this diet is a slow metabolism.
Sugar is mainly stored as fat, so it should be avoided in any way. Eating sugar is useful after exercise when the insulin release works well for you. One of the main conditions for this diet is to get rid of carbohydrates after 18:00. This allows the body to reduce glycogen stores during sleep.
When you wake up and begin to work on heart disease, the body will use fat as an energy source, because there is little or no glycogen.
Weight Loss Training Program
Combine the best exercises for fat-burning exercise between strength and heart. I think weight training is the best option when you eat a diet, for several reasons. I think heavyweights are best for building muscle mass and strength. If you can maintain the growth of power during your diet and heart, you will successfully dispose of fat and save muscle. This is especially important for those who are looking for a weight loss training program to improve their appearance by getting rid of excess fat.
I advise you to exercise three times a week, according to the schedule Monday to Wednesday. On some days, you should train the lower body, in other cases - the upper part. In the first week, two exercises should be performed in the upper body, in the following - two practices in the lower body, an excellent way to shock the muscles.
This division focuses mainly on necessary exercise, which contributes to the development of growth hormone and ensures the maximum increase in strength and muscle during dieting. It is imperative to keep the training record. Record the amount of weight you are working on, as well as the number of repetitions you perform in a given exercise.
4-week workout plan for weight loss
This will help to monitor progress and determine if your diet is too strict (if the weight starts to fall quickly and steadily, the food is rigorous and needs to be adjusted). The bottom line is that during a diet, your weight should slowly drop, allowing you to keep all the muscle mass you have accumulated so tricky.
Split two weeks
The following is a two-week division, which must be repeated once in two weeks:
Monday 1: Exercise the upper body
1. Iron press middle grip press
2 sets of 8-12 reps
2. Army bench press
2 sets of 12 repetitions
3. Press the French bench
2 sets of 15 reps
4. Pull the pop-up on the chin
2 ways to muscle failure
5. Iron in the slope
2 sets of 10 repetitions
Wednesday 1: Exercise the lower body
1. Lift the iron with EZ-biceps seal
2 sets of 12 repetitions
2. Bending Arms with dumbbells (Hammers)
2 sets of 15 reps
3. Sit on the socks
1 set of 15 reps
4. Deadlift on straight legs
2 sets of 15 reps
5. Breakthrough squatting
1 set of 8 reps
1 Approach 20 repetitions
Friday 1: Exercise the upper body
1. The dumbbell bench lying on the ramp bench
2 sets of 8-12 reps
2. Seating bench
2 sets of 12 repetitions
3. Pushups on rails (on triceps)
2 sets of 12 repetitions
2 sets of 10 repetitions
5. Deadlift
1 set of 8 reps
1 set of 4 reps
Monday 2: The bottom of exercise # 2
1. Alternative dumbbell lift biceps
2 sets of 12 repetitions
2. Turns with a lying pie (twist)
3 approaches with the highest possible weight
3. Press the leg on the calves in the simulator
4. Bend the legs in the simulator
2 sets of 12 repetitions
5. Squatting iron
1 set of 8 reps
1 Approach 20 repetitions
Wednesday 2: Top of Exercise # 3
1. Press the bench lying on a tilted seat upside down
2 sets of 8-12 reps
2. Army seat sitting in simulation
2 sets of 8 reps
3. Press the bench lying tight grip
2 sets of 15 reps
4. Pull the chin
2 ways to muscle failure
5. T-bar with one hand
2 sets of 10 repetitions
Friday 2: The bottom of exercise # 3
1. Bend the arms on the bench Scott
2 sets of 12 repetitions
2. Twist the biceps with the dumbbell curve
2 sets of 15 reps
3. Lift socks
1 approach of 15 repetitions with a 5-second stop in the upper stage of the exercise
4. Squat wide leg
2 sets of 15 reps
5. Press leg
1 approach 20 repetitions either before muscle failure
Exercises for abdominal muscles
Torsion on the cramped seat
Lift the legs bent on the parallel bars
Fitball twists
Note: You should give the abdominal muscles two workouts a week, alternating with days of rest. Training should be short, i.e., 2-3 ways. The approach must be cumbersome and include 8-12 repetitions.
As you can see, this program assumes a low amount of training. This will help keep your muscles in good shape, as glycogen will burn in your muscles. Also, low-volume exercises are useful for dieters because they require minimal energy.
These exercises are short, allowing you to stimulate your muscles without repeating 20-30. They are also safer. During a diet, you have more risk of injury, and this training will not allow you to over-workout.
Cardio is one of the critical elements of the fat-burning training program. Heart disease is different from most people, but it will work. A heart and diet routine will turn you into a device that burns fat. The heart must be made in the morning on an empty stomach.
You should do it every day, except for the days when you practice your lower body. Once you wake up - straight forward on a treadmill. I prefer a slow heart. Each session of heart disease lasts 25-60 minutes at low speed and on the bias. Try to stick fast at 5.5 - 6.5 km / h using the ramp you can do.
If the load seems light, you should increase the angle of inclination, not the speed. This type of heart disease will lead to the use of body fat as an energy source, rather than the use of simple carbohydrates.
It is essential to understand that not only diet will not only allow you to burn large amounts of fat. Strength training, heart, and nutrition, all will force the body as an energy source to burn fat, not muscle. When training on this program, you should consume about 450-700 grams of fat a week.
If you want to burn more fat or less a week, you can make changes to the program, depending on your goals. Here one of the determinants is the deficit in calories. If you want to lose weight faster, reduce your intake by 225 calories. This is in addition to burning 200 grams of fat a week.
It is important to note that the body can not burn fat very quickly. If you are in a hurry to rush through this process, you will begin to burn the accumulated muscle mass with such difficulty.
By following this program, your body will be transformed within weeks. Once you realize that many factors determine progress and put it into service, then reach success. Now, you have knowledge as well as ways to apply it in practice, so go and get rid of fat once and for all!
Obesity among children and adults is a nightmare in the Western world of the 21st century.
No one is immune from gaining an extra pound. However, many people do not understand that being patient with a sophisticated program to burn fat and gain muscle mass can easily change their lives.
You must have a program or goal that will force you to come to the gym. The goal must be clear enough so you can really enjoy the process and know you're just one step away from it. You should always remember the goal, no matter what it is - health, participation in competitions, beautiful appearance, etc.
What should be a workout to burn fat
the weight
Intensive weekly pregnancy and consistently distributed
Comprehensive with work on the whole body for a week
Cumbersome approaches of 8-12 reps will give more pressure to the muscle fibers. This, in turn, will hurt them more strongly than light weights and 15 representatives. Your central nervous system enters into force, the whole body is filled. All this makes your body work hard and literally, gives a load of adrenaline.
You must train without staying in the training plateau. The living organism must be tested, forcing it to respond and develop. Try increasing your working weight every week, even if it is only 2 kg; but not only in squatting and mortal lifting, but also in lifting the iron from the biceps and extending the arms on the block.
The body to respond better. In combination with a proper diet, it may be great to update the exercises of those who use standard work divided and divided into body parts in a single workout.
This gives the body greater shock, which raises the level of metabolism and allows you to burn more fat daily. Spend less time in the gym and work for more muscle groups.
The program is simple and straightforward (change something if you want). Keep in mind that these exercises are prepared by many muscle groups, so you should have an excellent experience to do them.
A set of exercises for weight loss
Iron squats
Press the bench lying middle grip
Army bench press
Chin chin thrust
Extend the arm on the block
Leg extension
Lift the iron on the biceps
Standing to bend the leg
Note: All exercises are performed in two sets of 10-12 repetitions (taken from the book "Abs Diet" by David Zinczenko). I recommend these complex exercises because they help my brother keep fit and fit throughout the year. The second exercise is given so that you can make changes to the program within two weeks if you want.
Join the program for at least 4 weeks.
Comment: Rest and exercise according to the following table.
Day 1 (Training)
Day 2 (Rest)
Day 3 (Training)
Day 4 (Rest)
Day 5 (Training)
Day 6 (Rest)
Day 7 (Rest)
Repeat the same!
Heart Training
Comment: Just change the way you exercise heart disease, for example, do two days on a stationary bike, then two days in the shape of an elliptical or walking device. Next week, jump rope and swim. It is simple.
What amount of training should be included in the fat burning program?
The same amount you did before you start to burn fat. However, if you have not been burned by grease, you should train according to the program, regardless of whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete.
Strength training is the key to burning calories and maintaining the anabolic process.
What is the amount of heart disease that should be included in the fat burning program?
As mentioned above, there should be no more than 4 exercises per week.
Comment: Do the cardio exercise for 20 minutes after strength training, because glycogen is consumed during strength training, and the body will burn fat in the first place
Fat Burn Training Program
Sports. The main goal - between exercises do not take breaks. All strength exercises, not counting tasks, are performed for one minute, except for heart exercises (cycling or running) that are performed for three minutes.
Fat Burning Circuit Plan:
Do push-ups or press-bench.
Upper block or pull-ups.
Jogging or exercise on a stationary bike for three minutes.
Press the bench in the start position while standing.
Forward with loading (iron or dumbbell), performed for one minute per leg.
In the initial stand position, an exercise is performed to lift the biceps.
Exercise on an exercise bike or jog for three minutes again.
Pregnancy on triceps When performing tasks on a block, extend the weapons.
Practice on simulated leg extension.
In the initial lying position, the leg is flexed.
Perform the exercise "prayer" for two minutes.
In the initial lie mode, the fluctuations are performed, and two minutes are also executed.
The total time of the circuit workout is about twenty minutes. Stimulates fat burning due to lack of interruption during exercise. If you think that a 20-minute workout is not enough, you can take a short break for 2-5 minutes and repeat the group again. In this case, the total time will be 42-45 minutes.
Changing the successful exercise helps throughout the activity to rest between the groups. Changing heart exercises, jogging on a treadmill or exercise bike will help relax the cardiovascular system and keep the pulse of practice healthy. These circuit training features help you use more energy in less time and thus burn fat faster.
The best option would be to train 2 to 4 times a week. However, if you have time and desire, you can prepare every day, which will accelerate the desired result.
Heart Program For Burning Fat
With the help of cardiac training, metabolism is accelerated as a result of increased pregnancy on the cardiovascular system and active ventilation of the lungs.
The core of cardiac training is the rotation of the most active exercises, a little rest, again, an energetic burden. The main activities in this type of training, the enemy (running), training with time intervals in the gym, rapid aerobics, and similar kinds of exercises.
The optimal training system for fat burning for men is practiced 3 to 4 times a week for 30-45 minutes, and a daily short training on heart disease is also done to keep your body in shape.
The heart can be divided into:
1. Carry the center with long duration and low intensity. LISS-low density constant heart condition.
The entire chapter frequency, in this case, is the same for at least one hour (60 minutes or more). Calories are burned, and their primary source is fat cells. The intensity of this training is essential, mainly a walker or walking on a treadmill for a long time. Low-intensity exercise stimulates the body to produce energy through fat oxidation. As the density increases, the body begins to extract heat from the muscle tissue.
Since the body is undermined during heart exercises, muscle tissue is converted into energy. The best option would be to change the low to medium density, with a slight reduction in the duration of the exercise. Regular cardiovascular exercise with moderate density contributes to greater fat oxidation.
2. Pregnancy cardiovascular with short duration and high intensity. HIIT - High-Intensity Separation Training.
In high-intensity exercise, fat burning occurs in a short time, due to the process of fat decomposition, which occurs if the energy expenditure exceeds the consumption of calories.
When using HIIT training during the post-training period, fat consumption is much higher than LISS training. As well as increase metabolism, which contributes to the rapid burning of fat during and after exercise.
High-density exercises help build muscle mass, as well as improve testosterone levels.
However, there is a slight difference in the use of high-intensity drills, this is a limited number of seasons, the best option is 2-4 times per week. If this training is often performed, you can cause a reverse process, increases the intake of amino acids in the body, and will decrease the level of testosterone.
The skillful rotation of high intensity and medium intensity heart exercises will be the most appropriate, so it will achieve the desired effect faster. Such a combination of heart exercises is optimal.
Fat Burning Training Circular of Andre Schmidt:
During the exercise of fat burning, you should take L-carnitine, burn fat, glutamine, amino acids, vitamins, and protein isolate. Training sessions are held four times a week.
* Aerobics on an exercise bike - 15 minutes.
the chest:
* Click Lying - 4 × 10.
* "Hammer" - 4 x 12.
the press:
* Lift legs in Vis - 4 x 12.
* Aerobic exercise: jogging or exercise bike - 15 minutes.
* Block for sitting head - 4 x 12.
* Iron to belt - 4 x 12.
* Seat unit on the belt - 4 x 12.
* French press bench - 4 x 12.
* Press the tight grip lying - 4 x 12.
* Pushups of bars - 4 x 12.
the press:
* Twist - 4 x 40-60.
* Lift your legs on a horizontal bench - 4 x 15.
* Lift legs in Vis - 4 x 15.
* Squatting - 4 × 10.
* Deadlift - 4 × 10.
* Leg extensions in simulator - 4 x 10.
* Bend the legs in the emulator - 4 x 10.
the press:
* Twist - 4 x 40-60.
* Lift legs in Vis - 4 x 12.
The fats in the omega-3 family, the most common in fish oil, help to lose weight during exercise. Studies have shown that eating fish oil regularly against the backdrop of an intensive training program increases the loss of excess weight. To encourage weight loss, take 1-2 grams of fish oil with each meal.
More driving!
Energy drinks will help you lose more pounds. After all, these drinks contain caffeine and herbal ingredients that speed up metabolism. Increased metabolic rate means an automatic increase in body temperature. Although this increase is tiny, it requires additional energy consumption. That's why the body starts to "burn" more fat. Losses per month can reach 500 grams!
No sweeteners!
Although diet drinks do not contain calories, their sweet taste is due to artificial sweeteners, but they are still "serious." Studies indicate that in response to the sweet taste of the pancreas secrete insulin as if you are eating high-calorie carbohydrates. Also, there is evidence that the sweet taste sharpens the appetite. As a result, after drinking a diet, the person consumes a lot of calories.
Green tea.
According to scientific research, green tea promotes weight loss. However, in the cup of this "fat-burning" tea very few ingredients. Therefore, it is best to take green tea extract in capsules. They contain useful compounds in the form of a full concentration. One dose of 500 mg extract. The focus is usually taken before morning exercise or immediately before the heart session.
Black tea
Stress results in the secretion of more specific hormones called stress, particularly cortisol. This hormone is known to have a devastating effect on muscle tissue, which causes weight loss with significant problems. However, the fact that cortisol stimulates fat deposition in the waistline is less known. To quickly eat fat on the stomach, drink black tea. It contains polyphenols that inhibit the action of cortisol.
Water burns fat!
It is worth pouring 2 cups of cold water, where the body increases the metabolic rate by 30% due to the release of the tendon of the hormone Paveraz. Accompanying this effect is "accelerating" fat-burning within half an hour.
In the case of physical rest, the body uses pre-accumulated fat as the primary source of energy. However, the energy costs resulting from inaction are negligible, so the fat burns a bit. To increase the consumption of adipose tissue, the metabolic rate should be increased while taking stimulants such as coffee or tea. However, there is a no less useful tool for eating mouth-rich foods. Pepper contains two capsules, a substance that speeds up the metabolism. Therefore, after the pepper dishes feel the heat.
Soy without risk!
It is rumored that soybeans have an estrogen-like effect, thus stimulating fat accumulation. However, an experiment on men showed that eating 20 grams of soy protein for 3 months resulted in a significant reduction in fat deposits in the stomach. Scientists explain this soy effect through its "ability" to suppress appetite. Nutritionists advise anyone who wants to lose weight by starting each meal with soy products.
A group of exercises consisting of unique methods is called a fat-burning training program. Most men and women deal with weight loss problem lightly and randomly. However, in any training program to burn irregular fat - the main enemy.
Regularity and consistency - the primary factors in all sports. In the fight against excess weight, everything is essential. In any program, there are two main ways: fast and long-term. The first method is classified as extreme, where the daily calorie intake should not exceed 800 calories. This means that the body that loses weight is in a stressful situation. Lack of calories reduces the overall energy level of the person, which is very necessary for intensive exercises.
Also, weight loss body loses a lot of water. All this together slows down metabolism and metabolism. What gives the second method? Long-term exercise programs for fat burning do not require fasting and constant counting of calories, but such weight takes twice that time. Remember that diet is proper nutrition and does not exhaust your body through hunger.
O physical exertion Many of us only think when our favorite clothes begin to collect dust on the shelves and become all shape defects visible to the naked eye. In this case, effective research programs work out first. The pace of modern life sometimes does not allow us to allocate time to visit gyms, and many try to do domestic exercises to burn fat. Why every second after a month there is a desire to give up classes? Because training and nutrition are chosen incorrectly and do not produce the desired result. To avoid this failure, the trainer is advised to select one of the best methods: classical air separator or high-intensity separator.
1. Aerobic training is suitable for those who have leisure time. Aerobics should be quiet and deliberate. This may be a race for walking or running on a treadmill.
2. Training interval. Pregnancy on the body occurs at a rapid pace. Slow movements are replaced by sharp "jagged" movements. The session must be repeated several times.
4 week workout plan for weight loss || gym workout for fat loss 2019
Reviewed by Majid
July 21, 2019

You have shared a nice article here about the Fat Loss Training Plan. Your article is very informative and useful to Know more about the gym workout plan for weight loss. Thank you.