Should sweet cigarettes even be a warning on sweet goods?

Over the past decade, smoking has gradually become an activity that looks unimportant and tarnished.
What percentage of smokers want to quit?
From the ban on smoking in 2007 to the introduction of simple packaging a decade later, this was done to discourage smokers and to give up this habit among people.
And there are signs that the same thing is going to happen with sugar.
Sugar drinks are already taxed and now considering the high demand for these products, a leading think tank has suggested that simple packaging of suits, snacks and sugar drinks be introduced. Don't show.
The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) think tank said in a report.
That would really make a difference, ”says Tom Peabasi, director of the IPPR.
They say that simple packaging will help to make good choices and will also reduce the power of buying things by forcing busy parents.
They want the move to be implemented with the ban on the promotion of other goods, such as 'junk food'.
British ministers have already considered this.
But will simple packaging be an important step?
The industry against the move
Industries that sell such goods have opposed the move immediately, and the Food and Drink Federation has said that branding of any item is a fundamental commercial freedom and very important for competition.
Similar arguments were made by the tobacco industry, but every incoming government has taken a hard line.
Interestingly, the government did not reject the idea of the simple packaging of Chinese goods.
The Department of Health and Social Care says it is awaiting a statement from Professor Dame Sally Davies, England's chief medical officer.
It is thought that if we are to achieve the target of reducing the obesity rate among children by the year 2030, such bold measures will have to be taken.
Dame Sally has been asked to re-evaluate the actions taken so that there is no leakage.
Looking at the past decade, it can be said that something that could not have happened seems to be happening now.
Do most smokers want to quit?
In the beginning, it was something that health campaigners and global organizations were pushing to ban smoking in public places. And the government ignored it.
But then it was gradually brought to a halt by the government and eventually even more important steps were taken.
There is a clear difference between these measures. In just ten years, smoking rates have dropped by one-third.
The debate is now turning to obesity, and no action against the promotion of Chinese goods will be unusual.
Calls for cigarette-style warnings on sugary food to tackle child obesity 2019
Reviewed by Majid
August 15, 2019

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