Anyone who does a six pack workout, but in fact few get it, is due to doing this type of exercise wrongly. The most common belief is that getting the six-buck muscles does not depend on intensive or exaggerated training, but in fact, the effect of the duration of the exercise is very small. It is true that quality beats quantum, especially when doing exercises where high levels of consistency, intensity, and concentration are required.
The basics of exercises
- Exercise abdominal muscles, abdominal muscles bend and stretch the spine, which should be taken into account when practicing the muscles of the sex buck. Where most people tend to exercise other muscles instead of focusing on the muscles of the abdomen and strengthen. The muscles of the abdomen or the buck are a muscle group like the muscles of the thigh, chest, and back, and you must be sure to train by doing the first stretching exercises and then increase tension and finally hold the muscle to the shortest range.
- Improve the flexibility of the body, you will not be able to do the exercises Back Pak if your muscle strength is weak, so it is very important to gradually improve and increase the flexibility of the muscles of the body as a whole. This may take a long time that may extend for months but is an essential and necessary step to get the desired results.
- Control of movements, which is through the gradual in the exercises of lengthening and contraction and constriction and should focus at this stage on making the abdominal muscles more powerful and endurance by starting to increase the intensity of exercise and the use of weights gradually.
- Minimize the momentum of your body, by focusing on exercises to tighten and strengthen the lower abdomen, which is of simple and appropriate intensity. It can be done through leg lift exercises and lowered several times until you feel the contraction of this area.
- Eat a balanced diet, contains all the nutrients, most important of which are healthy proteins and fats. You should also regulate eating times and divide meals throughout the day without excessive or excessive, and drinking plenty of water, especially after a great effort.
Group exercises
Start each of these exercises, which you can do at home with five-minute extended and warm-up exercises, or go to do after completing the cardio exercises. You will also need to split the movements into groups of each group repeated at least 20 times. As a way to stimulate the muscles, tighten the abdomen towards the spine as if you are making a hole, taking into account the use of some weights dumbbell when doing some of these exercises.
Sit-up exercises
Lie on the ground and bend your knees with your legs fixed on a stable base, or let your partner in the exercises hold them, then put your hands behind your head and tie the fingers of each hand with the other. Then raise the upper part of your body to become your body in the form of the letter V, and once you feel the contraction of the muscles, return to the starting position and refine this exercise as such. It may be difficult to perform this exercise at first, so start with or use light weights without feeling comfortable with the movements.
Flat Bench Lying Leg Raise Exercises
Lie on your back on the seat and stretch your legs in front of you, then put your hands on both sides of the seat. While keeping your legs stretched as straight as possible with your knees bent slightly, lift your legs up to 90 degrees with the ground, then set them to the starting position, until you finish all the repetitions. You can also do this exercise by adding some weights by installing the dumbbell between your feet as you step in.
Toe Touchers
At first, lie down on the ground or on a mat where your back is attached to it, your arms to your sides and your palm down. Your legs should be touching each other. Now lift your legs slowly up in a vertical position with a slight bending of the knees so that your feet are parallel to the ground. Then extend your arms by 45 degrees.
Keep your lower back pressed, slowly lift your trunk and use your hands to touch your toes. Slowly begin to lower your trunk and arms to the starting position and remember to keep your arms straight and toward your toes.
Exercises Crunches
Lie on your back and feet stretched on the floor, or sit on a bench with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. If you are using the seat, separate the feet by three to four inches. Now place your hands on both sides of your head while keeping the elbows wide and do not clasp your fingers together. Then start by moving your shoulders with a slight push down the back muscles to isolate the abdominal muscles better.
Keep pushing down as far as you can while you are flexing your back muscles, without lifting your shoulders off the ground so much as keeping your back steady. Then tighten the thigh muscles vigorously and maintain the contraction position for one second, then return to the starting position. The process then repeated several buds. You can do this exercise using weights, or at the top of the exercise ball.
Exercises For Six Pack Sex Pack
Reviewed by Majid
June 22, 2019

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